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The 37 best websites to learn something new An endless supply of topics, classes, and tutorials. Read now! For free. The internet has become the world’s largest library, with an expanding range of information on subjects from traditional arts to advanced quantum mechanics. But you don’t have to become a shut-in anymore; there are now websites that teach nearly anything you want to learn at your own pace and in the comfort of your home. Education is finally simple again!Some sites offer interactive online courses, while others offer traditional bookmarkable articles or videos you can watch on YouTube or watch on demand with a paid membership. It’s all up to you. The following list is our picks for the best sites for learning on the web. But we encourage you to click around and dive into these and many more educational options on your own—the more you learn, the better off you’ll be!Some of these websites may not be available in your country or region, and some do not offer free content. For those sites that require a subscription, there are also independent learning websites that offer thousands of hours of free content without requiring memberships. "I don't think I could live without online learning. I simply don't know what I would do without all the many things that I can learn at on-line."—Dr. Kathy Mach "I think it is awesome. But of course, my mom is always looking over at me to see what I am doing. She thinks of me as an idiot."—Mary age 10 Educational content of the top sites of the world: . UL2i5ufJ.dpbs the top 10 e-learning platforms for free: http://www. https://webapps.library.nashville. cfa1e77820